A Simple Guide to Protect Your Car From COVID-19

With COVID-19 wreaking havoc in the Philippines and beyond, you need to do whatever it takes to ensure your health and safety. So aside from maintaining your home’s cleanliness and personal hygiene, you also need to make sure your beloved vehicle is 100% free from the virus.
Steps to Disinfect Your Car
To help you out on your quest to get rid of the Coronavirus threat to your car, follow these steps.
Declutter Your Car
Get a trash bag and toss out anything that could cause bacteria infestation in your car (e.g., food wrappers, used tissues, etc). Remember that the COVID-19 strain can be transmitted through infected objects.
Start With the Vents
Germs love to lurk in a car’s air vents, and you’ll probably encounter debris clogging it during your cleaning crusade. So as you rid your ride with trash, don’t forget to scour its vents. That way, no Coronavirus bacteria would be able to entrench itself there.
Proceed With the Surfaces
Once you’ve purged all debris from your sweet ride, proceed with the fun part of disinfecting the car interior surface from the Coronavirus. Use alcohol-based wipes to sterilize the steering wheel, hand brake, dashboard, interior handles, buttons, and cup holders. Then top it off with a good anti-bacterial spray for good measure.
Move On to the Upholstery
As soon as you’re done with the surfaces, proceed to the car seats. The cleaning products you’ll need would depend on the material the upholstery is made of.
Clean the Exterior Door Handles
Then move on to wiping the external door handles clean. It’s the one part of your car that’s most likely vulnerable to COVID-19. Aside from being exposed to the environment, it’s the one car part that has the most contact with other people.
Wash the Carpets and Rubber Mats
Don’t forget to remove your vehicle’s carpets and rubber mats while you’re decluttering. Give it a good washing and cleaning, leave it to dry, and then place them back in your car after the completing entire sanitation process
Also Don’t Forget the Car Keys
While your ride’s external door handles are the most exposed to other people, its keys are the one you’ll carry with you along the way. So better make sure it’s sanitized at all times.
Tips to Properly Disinfect Your Car
Following the steps above will definitely help you make sure that your car is protected from COVID-19. But combine it with the pointers listed down here, and you’ll do the job even more satisfactorily.
Target Infected Objects First
Anything that’s been sneezed or coughed on are potential COVID-19 trojan horses. So as you battle the virus in your vehicle, you’d best prioritize getting rid of these things before the others. Hunt down used napkins, food crumbs, and anything else that could promote bacterial growth.
Use Alcohol-Based Disinfectants
Not all cleaning products are created equal, and certain germs like the COVID-19 strain can develop a resistance against some of them. Thus, you need to make sure you pick the one that’s fatal to it. Stick with alcohol-based products since they’re the most suitable disinfectants for the job.
Replace Air Filters
It’s mentioned above that you need to unclog your air vents as you clean and disinfect your car. But to make sure the vents accumulate less debris and bacteria in the future, you should also replace the air filters. Take note that you should do thin only if you’re capable. If not, then better have someone who can do it for you. Considering that we’re on lockdown, this will probably have to wait.
Take Advantage of Loans
If you don’t have a budget set aside for disinfecting your car, then no need to worry. Used car financing and other loan instruments are readily available to give you the financial assistance you’ll need. Many of them are even available online, so you’d be able to borrow money even with the lockdown being enforced.
Keep Your Car Safe From COVID-19
Through the steps and tips listed above, you’ll be able to effectively disinfect your beloved vehicle from COVID-19’s clutches. So better keep them in mind during this crisis.