Anti Carnapping Steps All Drivers Must Follow

Vehicle theft such as carnapping (taking one’s vehicle without the presence of the owner or driver) are becoming rampant. It can happen anywhere, from parking lots, to the streets or highways, to even your driveway. And it can happen whether you’re driving a new car or a secondhand car. This crime may endanger the driver and passengers of the vehicle, so certain steps must be taken to prevent it from happening. In case you don’t have any clue what those steps are, just remember this acronym: A.N.T.I.C.A.R.N.A.P.P.I.N.G.D.R.I.V.E.
What Does A.N.T.I.C.A.R.N.A.P.P.I.N.G.D.R.I.V.E. Stand For?
- Always lock all your vehicle’s doors when you park.
- Never stay inside the car while parked. Instead, stay from a distance if you need to keep your new or used car in sight.
- Take your passengers out with you, especially children, after you park your auto.
- Install good quality safety and alarm devices like steering locks and sensors if possible.
- Check the safety of the area where you plan to park your car.
- Always park your ride in well-lit areas, especially at night.
- Remove visible valuables inside your vehicle before parking. That way, you won’t tempt would-be carnappers.
- Never entrust your car keys to strangers.
- Avoid hitchhikers.
- Park your vehicle in secured areas as much as you can.
- Provide security personnel with information in case you notice any suspicious-looking persons or events.
- Install a hidden master switch in your ride if possible.
- Never leave your vehicle windows open and doors unlocked.
- Garage gates must be secured and locked at all times.
- Drive your auto towards a crowded area if you feel like you’re being followed by suspicious-looking people and vehicles.
- Ready your cell phone or other communication devices in case you need to make an emergency call.
- Investigate hired driver applicants before employing them.
- Verify prospective buyers before entrusting your for-sale car for testing or trial purposes.
- Entrust car keys to management whenever you need to leave your vehicle to a shop for repair purposes.
Remember A.N.T.I.C.A.R.N.A.P.P.I.N.G.D.R.I.V.E.
By remembering to follow the steps above, you’ll be able to make sure your sweet ride is well-protected from anyone who wants to steal it from you. So best keep them in mind whenever you’re out for a drive.