Best Driving Schools in the Philippines to Enroll In

There are many reasons why you should enroll in a driving school while you’re still a newbie motorist. For one thing, you need to learn the basics before you can upgrade your student’s license into a non-professional or professional one. And even if it will cost you money, the insights and skills you’ll obtain will make every penny worth it. So before getting those car accessories or your sweet ride, better enroll in a good driving school first. Below are some of them.
A1 Driving School
Having received multiple awards over the years, A1 Driving School is one of the premier driving schools in the Philippines. Their programs not only consists of actual driving trainings, but also a series of lectures that would teach you fundamental defensive driving, basic rules of the road, and handling emergencies, among others. They have more than 80 branches nationwide as well as a mighty fleet of 150 training vehicles.
Smart Driving School
With 76 branches nationwide, Smart Driving School is also putting itself on the map as one of the best driving schools in the Philippines. Aside from providing quality lectures and pristine driving courses, they also have training centers where students can practice and execute auto-related drills as well as hone their maneuvers while preparing for their upcoming driver’s license exams.
Universal Driving School
While Universal Driving School does provide programs for beginners, their main focus is ensuring that every motorist (be they new or old) learn how to become a responsible and proper road user. To that end, they also offer courses for experienced and professional drivers. Aside from the actual driving sessions, they provide classroom lectures that tackle topics like traffic rules, car maintenance, vehicle troubleshooting, and defensive driving.
Prestige Driving School
But if you’re looking for a driving school that offers quality programs at a more affordable cost, you ought to take a look at Prestige Driving School. Each of their three programs (manual, automatic, and dual) are designed to help both beginners and experts. They even offer remedial lessons for drivers who need to fully master certain driving techniques.
Enroll Now!
Each of these schools can definitely help you learn the basics when it comes to driving. And they’ll certainly help you get closer to that driver’s license you’ve been dreaming about. So as soon as you’ve obtained a student’s license and you don’t have anyone to teach you how to drive, best check out the programs offered by the schools listed above.