Best Industries in the Philippines to Invest In

There are many factors why you should invest in the Philippines. For one thing, it’s one of the best developing countries in Southeast Asia, with many foreigners heavily putting their money in. And it also has a steady pool of talented and hardworking individuals. If you’re already considering making an investment but don’t know which industry to pick, we’ve listed some of them for your convenience.

Real Estate

Demand for new residential, commercial, and mixed-use properties are at an all-time high in the Philippines, especially with the current presidential administration spearheading many projects. Thus, investors would do well to keep an eye on the country’s real estate sector. Doing so would not only increase your money’s value, but it would also provide new premium homes for everyone.


The manufacturing industry is also a great place for you to put in your money. In fact, foreigners seem to be eyeing it more than any other industry in the Philippines. According to reports, manufacturing has received the biggest foreign investment in 2018, with around $169 million invested.


As of 2017, the Philippines’ tourism sector makes up around 21% of the country’s GDP. and according to a report from the World Travel and Tourism Council, that percentage is estimated to be P3.35 trillion. Not only is this figure a clear sign that the country’s tourism industry is significant for its growth, but it also indicates that it is one of the best sectors to invest in.


With the Philippines’ real estate sector booming in recent years, it’s not surprising that the construction section is quickly following suit. The Philippine Statistics Authority even reports that there is a 16.1% growth in construction during the 3rd quarter of 2018. As with the real estate industry, it’s safe to assume that this growth is due to the Duterte administration’s development projects, particularly the “Build, Build, Build” program.


BPO stands for Business Process Outsourcing, and its industry has been one of the top contributors to the Philippine economy for the past decade. Many international businesses outsource their manpower for various reasons. With the Philippines having a large and talented workforce, many BPO companies establish headquarters in the country to meet this international need.

Final Thoughts

As mentioned above, the Philippines is one of the best developing countries in Southeast Asia, with a fast-growing economy and a talented pool of manpower. By investing in one or more of its industries, you’ll be able to increase your money’s value, allowing you to grow your capitalization.