Billion Dollar Infrastructure Projects in the Philippines This 2019

Since President Duterte took office in 2016, the Philippines has stepped up its creation of various infrastructure projects. Indeed, the National Economic and Development Authority identified 75 high-impact billion-dollar infrastructure projects (As of April 30, 2019, two of these have been completed.). To help you get familiar with these government initiatives, we’ve listed some of them below.

Better infrastructure means better transportation, better business climate, and ultimately better economy! Our cars would definitely be maximized given the improved infrastructure. But beyond the physical advancement, these new projects will help increase the confidence of investors both local and foreign.

New Cebu International Container Port (Php 9.2 billion)

During President Duterte’s recent visit to Seoul, South Korea formally agreed to pledge a cash loan of Php 9.2 billion to help the Philippines build a new container port in Cebu. According to Finance Secretary Carlos Dominguez III, this port is good news for Visayas since it can increase Cebu’s cargo operational capacity. “It will help alleviate the road congestion in the Cebu base port area and provide a more efficient and reliable transport infrastructure to enhance the flow of goods and services in the Visayas,” added Dominguez.

Ambal-Simuay River and Rio Grande de Mindanao River Flood Control Projects (Php 39.22 billion)

Maguindanao and Cotabato are among the most flood-prone provinces in the Philippines, being vulnerable to typhoons and extreme weather conditions. In an effort to minimize these disasters, Php 39 billion was earmarked to create flood control projects in the Ambal-Simuay and Rio Grande de Mindanao Rivers. According to Gerardo Reynaldo, head of Mindanao Development Authority’s area management office in South – Central Mindanao, this money will be bankrolled with China’s assistance. If completed, these flood control projects would be able to minimize the damaging effects of natural calamities in Maguindanao and Cotabato, if not eradicate it altogether. For kababayans living in those provinces, it would be a great improvement.

New Centennial Water Source – Kaliwa Dam Project (Php 12.2 billion)

The New Centennial Water Source Project (NCWSP) involves building a dam at the Kaliwa River (Laiban Dam) in Rizal province, as well as a smaller dam downstream (Kaliwa Dam) in Quezon province. Conceived during the Marcos era, this initiative was meant to provide Metro Manila residents with an alternative source of drinking water. However, the project was only revived in 2017 as one of President Duterte’s flagship water security projects.

Final Thoughts

Each of these three projects is part of “Build, Build, Build,” the current administration’s flagship economic project. With a total budget of up to Php 8.4 trillion, this program is expected to herald in the golden age of infrastructure in the Philippines.