Deadliest Typhoons in Philippine History

The Philippines is a land plagued regularly by storms and typhoons, with an average of 20 tropical cyclones visiting the country. And although most of these storms pose a threat to the livelihood, properties, and emergency funds of many Filipinos, some are more notable for human casualties they have caused. Below are the five deadliest typhoons the Philippines has ever faced.

Angela Typhoon (1867)

Not much is known about the Angela Typhoon that hit the archipelago in 1867, but it’s notable for being the oldest typhoon recorded in Philippine history. The storm took around 1,800 casualties, and its impact is large enough to leave Filipino historians honoring it as the fifth deadliest typhoon to ever hit the country.

Typhoon Pablo (2012)

On December 3, 2012, Typhoon Pablo (or Bopha) hit Mindanao with wind speeds of up to 280 kph, making it the strongest recorded typhoon in the region. The tropical cyclone caused $1.04 billions worth of damages and took the lives of 1,901 people. It also triggered landslides all over Mindanao as well as caused electricity disruptions in at least two provinces, forcing tens of thousands of civilians to evacuate their homes.

Tropical Storm Uring (1991)

Tropical Storm Uring (or Thelma) is technically not a typhoon. Still, it managed to cause $27.6 million worth of damages, kill 5,000 to 8,000 people, and leave 3,000 more civilians missing in its wake, making it the third deadliest storm in Philippine history. The storm also caused severe torrential rainfall in Visayas, with much of the region receiving around 150 m of rain (Leyte got 580.5 mm).

Typhoon Yolanda (2013)

With wind speeds ranging from 230 kph to 315 kph, Typhoon Yolanda caused widespread destruction and storm surges all over the Philippines. Around 5,877 casualties were reported in Eastern Visayas alone, and the provinces of Samar and Leyte were the most damaged areas of the typhoon. Overall, Typhoon Yolanda caused $4.55 billion worth of damage, approximately 6,300 deaths, and 1,061 missing people.

Typhoon Haiphong (1881)

But the deadliest typhoon to ever grace the Philippines hit the country even before it gained independence from Spain! In late September 1881, Typhoon Haiphong started brewing in the Pacific Ocean, and it landed in the archipelago on roughly a month later. And although its stay in the Philippines is quite brief, it still managed to leave more than 20,000 people dead in its wake. Haiphong went on to hit the town of Haiphong in Vietnam, where it claimed around 300,000 lives.

Final Thoughts

The Philippines will always be peppered by such storms for as long as it stands. So if you live in the archipelago, instead of whining about it, best do everything you can and use your security cash so that you, your loved ones, and your home can survive these calamities.