Different Car Smoke Colors and What They Indicate

Car smokes tell a lot about a vehicle’s condition. Indeed, it’s one of the things checked by car registration centers before clearing an automobile for use, as well as by money lenders who provide car collateral loans and car insurances to clients. So if the vapors coming out of your ride’s tailpipe have changed shades, best take a look at your car immediately. Below are the common types of car smoke colors, and the problems they’re probably pointing out.

Light or Thin White 

If the smoke exhausted by your car is light or thin white, then there’s no problem. It’s just water vapor naturally getting collected in the exhaust system, which is something that happens in every automobile. You’re fine! Yey!

Gray or Blue

On the other hand, if the smoke is bluish or bluish grayish, your car may be either suffering from an oil leak or its engine is burning too much oil. Either way, you need to have your ride seen by a qualified technician. Leaks are caused by a variety of factors, including worn cylinder walls, damaged piston rings, and leaking valve seals. One way you can check is by accelerating your car. Blue smoke while accelerating indicates broken piston rings, while blue smoke when decelerating hints at damaged cylinder head valve guides.


Meanwhile, black smoke implies that your auto might be burning too much fuel. This could be due to a malfunctioning fuel injection system, a blocked manifold, and a clogged air filter, among others. And although these problems don’t hurt gas mileage, they can negatively affect your car’s performance. So in any case, you should also take your car to the nearest technician once you notice the smoke it belches out is black.

Thick White or Thick Grey

Lastly, if your vehicle’s tailpipe is spewing out persistent heavy white or thick gray smoke, it may be a sign that there’s something wrong with the head gasket. In that is the case, you need to take your car to the nearest mechanic. A cracked and leaking head gasket leads to an overheated engine, and if neglected, you could end up stranded in the middle of the road with a broken auto. Thick white or gray smoke also indicates a cracked cylinder or block head. If left unchecked, it can cost a lot. So best, have it looked at as soon as possible.

Watch the Smoke Signals

There are moments when it’s okay to drive fast and furious. But when your car starts sending smoke signals your way, you had better play things safe and check out what the problem is right away. Otherwise, you won’t be driving hot for too long!

Take good care of your car… aside from your daily transportation, it can help you on other areas in the future… you can even use it as collateral for a loan! In case you need cash now and you own a car, apply here.