Doctors’ Guide in Dealing With Stress

Stress is an inevitable part of every workplace, and a doctor’s clinical practice is no exception. Numerous factors like extended work hours and complicated cases can add pressure to a medical practitioner’s already excessive workload. This can potentially leave him or her burnt out and inadvertently extending their stress in other areas of their life. Luckily, there are things you can do to minimize if not eliminate altogether this problem. Let’s check them out below.

Eating Healthy

Having healthy eating habits is vital if you want to enjoy good health and reduce stress levels. So if you’re a doctor and you’re currently stressed right now, then you had better start adjusting your diet accordingly. Start by adding complex carbohydrates to your meal plan, as well as more fresh fruits and vegetables. Also cut down on heavy and greasy foods and highly processed and laden-with-sugar products.

Exercise Regularly

Working out helps your brain produce endorphins, which is highly critical in alleviating stress. So if you have the time, go hit the gym. But in case you’re too busy to do so, try walking for at least 30 minutes every day after your work hours. Not only is it a great stress reliever, but it also gives you time to reorganize your mind before plunging back to your tasks. Plus, you need time away from your work environment, given that you’re stressed there.

Stop and Relax

Make an effort to stop everything you’re doing and just relax for a short period no matter how busy your schedule currently is. This will help you relieve whatever stress you’re presently dealing with. Reorganize your schedule so that you’ll have at least 10 minutes to do this, and place this period halfway through your workday. And get a comfortable chair that can help you relax your muscles and induce calming thoughts.

Take a Breather

If you’re currently at your clinic, and you suddenly feel your stress levels rising, then pause for a while and take a deep breath. Doing so is a great way to quickly reduce mental pressure, allowing you to resume your tasks without trouble. If you don’t have any clue on how to do that, here’s a tip: Inhale slowly, count to five or ten, concentrate on relaxing, and exhale. Do this, and you’ll soon feel the tension leaving your body.

Wrapping Up

As you can see, dealing with stress is pretty easy, even if it doesn’t sound like it. So, as much as possible, try to incorporate these tips in your daily routine. That way, you’ll be able to function effectively as a doctor even if you’re under high stress.

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