Driver Etiquettes When Sharing the Road With Large Vehicles

Here’s a fact: 70% of all truck-related car fatalities are initiated by car drivers. And believe it or not, much of these incidents happen due to the motorists lingering within the larger vehicles’ blind spots. So if you want to avoid getting jammed in a similar circumstance (and avoid getting hospitalized or taking your beloved ride to the car shop in the process), best if you read and follow the etiquettes listed below.

  • Stay away from blind spots. Trucks and container vans have large blind spots behind and beside them. You need to avoid these locations as much as you can while driving. And one way you can make sure you’re not on a large vehicle’s blind spot is by being able to see in both side mirrors.
  • Give large vehicles a wide and generous tailing distance. Doing so will provide you a better range of vision, allowing you to see potential hazards that may otherwise be blocked by the truck or container van in front of you. The extra space will also help when you’re moving uphill behind the large vehicle, as most of them tends to roll backwards when releasing their brakes.
  • Also stay well behind a truck, container vans, or large vehicle during bad weather conditions. That way, you can prevent dirt, water, or rocks kicked off by the large vehicle’s tires from blocking your windshield.
  • When passing or overtaking trucks or container vans, make sure you have enough room before you do so. Most large vehicles are built longer. Thus, more distance is needed to pass or overtake it.
  • Avoid cutting in front of a large vehicle after overtaking it or when you’re moving into its lane on the road. Trucks and container vans need more time and distance to stop than smaller vehicles. And you don’t want to be rear-ended by any of them.
  • Most large vehicles need to swing wide to safely complete a turn. Thus, you must give time and space to trucks and container vans whenever they’re making a turn.
  • You also need to watch out for trucks or container vans merging into the same traffic with you. To accomplish this turn safely, large vehicle drivers must reach the center line of the road. Meanwhile, it’s your responsibility to make sure they have ample space so they can complete the maneuver.
  • Don’t attempt to pass behind a truck or container van that is backing up or reversing. The truck driver may not see you while making the necessary maneuvers.

Drive Safely With Large Vehicles

As you can see, large vehicles like trucks and container vans need a lot of room on the road. Thus, it goes without saying that you need to be extra cautious when driving your well-maintained car near them.