Driver Etiquettes When Sharing the Road With Pedestrians

Pedestrians are the most vulnerable among road users. Thus, car owners must treat them with caution whenever they’re out driving. By always being on the lookout for pedestrians, you’ll be able to ensure their safety alongside yours, your passengers, and your own ride. Below are the driver etiquettes you need to follow in order to accomplish that.

● Scan crosswalks and intersections. A lot of pedestrians may not be able to estimate the distance it takes for a vehicle to stop and some might unexpectedly step out to cross the street without prior warning of their intent to do so.

● Be aware of blind spots. Don’t overtake non-moving vehicles at crosswalks. Aside from the fact that this action is prohibited by law, it is also extremely dangerous to do so.

● Always check if the crosswalks are empty before passing through, even with a green light. Pedestrians are unpredictable in general, and some of them might end up dashing carelessly for the crossing. You must also be on the lookout for those who have a hard time crossing the street like elderly or handicapped individuals (it goes without saying that you need to be patient with them).

● Before making a turn, always keep an eye out for pedestrians who may be attempting to cross or are already crossing the street that you are about to enter.

● Be extremely careful when in residential areas as people in this zone tend to move in more unpredictable ways than regular pedestrians. These are areas where children can be seen playing on the streets or where people are oftentimes found in the middle of the street.

● Recognize key areas where people are most often found and respect the pedestrian’s right-of-way. Be alert of their next move. It is your responsibility to avoid pedestrians on marked and unmarked crosswalks, at intersections, and when merging into a road from a private driveway or side street.

● Control your speed and be aware of safe distances. Reduce your speed if you see pedestrians who are about to be in our way. Provide them with more than enough space.

Final Thoughts

Although pedestrians and owners of new or old cars both have responsibilities in maintaining road safety, the former always has the right-of-way when sharing the road. Thus, you would do well to treat them with respect and caution while you’re out cruising on your car. Follow the etiquettes listed above and you’ll do just fine.