Why GDFI’s Car Collateral Loan Product is the Best in the Philippines

If you’re urgently in need of money and you’re willing to pledge your car as collateral, look no further than in Global Dominion Financing Inc. We at GDFI have been in the lending industry for more than a decade, providing excellent car loan programs like Sangla OR/CR and other car financing services to countless Filipinos across the globe. If you want to know what sets our auto loan products apart, read on below.

It’s Fast

One good reason why you should stick with GDFI is that we can cater to borrowers at a speedy pace. In fact, we pride ourselves in making sure our customers’ loan applications get approved within 24 hours! It is highly pertinent that all necessary application documents are available.

It’s State-of-the-Art

We’re also a champion when it comes to utilizing innovative vehicle loan facilities to ensure customer satisfaction. Thus, you can rest assured that we will continue to provide you with top-notch tailor-fit cash loans programs for many years to come. Payment methods are flexible and has wide variety, and processing documents are fastest in line with the use of our distinct resources and technology.

It’s Easy

Another thing that makes our services so outstanding is that we make it easy for everyone to apply to our car collateral loan programs. All you have to do is click on the application form on our website, fill out the form, and click Submit. You won’t have to worry about the requirements, either, since you probably already have most of it on hand. Just sit back, wait for one of our professional loan advisors to phone you to process your documents, and be notified of your application’s approval.

It’s Accessible

Once your car collateral loan application gets okayed, you can get your cash from any of more than 60 GDFI branches located nationwide. And if that’s not enough for you, we also have terrific customer service; if you have concerns regarding new applications, payment, and renewals, among others, just hit us up through our email address accountcare@gdfi.com.ph.

It’s Affordable

With an interest rate that’s as low as 1.25%, our Sangla OR/CR is among the most affordable car collateral loan products in the Philippines. This not only makes sure that you can quickly settle our secured loan programs, but it also enables us to serve a more diversified pool of customers, like you.

Choose GDFI

We at GDFI strive to help you and countless others meet your financial needs in a comfortable and affordable manner. So if you’re currently hunting for a good car collateral loan program, look nowhere else than in GDFI! To apply now, just click here.