Global Dominion Community Pantries

In the spirit of upholding their core value “Care”, Global Dominion Financing Inc. (GDFI) conducted three simultaneous community pantry events as part of their annual Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activity. Dated May 13, 2021, the event was held the same day as Eid’l Fitr which celebrates the end of Ramadan and the commencement of Feasting which was indeed timely and relevant amidst a pandemic. During that time, GDFI celebrated not only the generosity of the company and its employees, but also the newly established partnerships with various institutions making all of the events a success!
GDFI’s Luzon office was able to partner with IAM Pasig Food Tour Group Community Pantry Love Cart and was able to provide essentials to 200 families. IAM Pasig Food Tour Group’s coordinator even shared via Facebook Live how much Global Dominion Financing Inc. was able to help their operations.
The GDFI Visayas Team on the other hand, was able to partner with Don Bosco Youth Center and was able to provide food packs containing rice, noodles, and canned goods among others, for 150 families.
Last, but certainly not least, GDFI’s Mindanao Office was able to partner with Callbox and Skechers in providing various goods, even fruits and vegetables to 200 families.’
“It was indeed a worthy endeavor to be able to share our blessings and provide aid to those in need. Global Dominion Financing Inc. will definitely continue to advocate our core value “Care” in the years to come,” Don Matias, GDFI’s Head of People Department, stated in an interview.
“Not even a global pandemic can stop Filipinos from showing how much we care for one another. In Global Dominion, one thing we do on a regular basis is reaching out to communities and helping them in various ways. Although we initially thought it was going to be a lot challenging to do it this year, our team’s will and spirit really beat the odds,” Patricia Poco-Palacios, GDFI General Manager, shared.
Global Dominion’s purpose is to provide accessible financial products and services so that every family is empowered to achieve their goals and dreams.