Global Dominion: Breakthrough!

Global Dominion’s crossed 2019 with unimaginable breakthroughs in different fields and aspects of its business, undeniably resulting to its recognition as the Asialink Group of Companies’ “Most Promising Company of the Year”! With growth beyond all other companies’, GDFI has proven to have reached milestone after milestone in every step of its way to achieve its purpose. “Beyond mere luck, we owe our successes to our people who have tirelessly worked to hit our targets and to our customers who endlessly trust us and our products and services,” GDFI’s GM Patricia Poco-Palacios stated. The company is known for its loan products: OFW Loan, Car & Truck Collateral Loan (Sangla ORCR), Car & Truck Financing, Doctors Loan, Seaman’s Loan, and Pinoy Abroad Loan.

Taking care of its people  and preserving its culture has been a priority for the GDFI leadership and management team, ensuring that everyone’s working at their best condition and that all areas for improvement are handled through continuous development and training. Proving that employees’ and customers’ welfare are at the core of the institution, Global Dominion invests in several product and task specific training, as well as leadership and management development events, on top of financial education and purpose driven campaigns it is about to launch for the improvement of its customers’ lives.

Training and Development Sessions Conducted and/or Facilitated:

  • Basic Leadership Training
  • Foundations of Leadership Excellence
  • Advanced Leadership Course
  • Leadership Excellence Achievement Program
  • Systems Thinking
  • Management Strategies
  • Social Media Marketing Analytics
  • Digital Marketing 101 for Loan Consultants
  • Basics of Data Science – Big Data
  • Communications Training for Telemarketers
  • Sales Rally for Loan Consultants
  • Marketing Assembly
  • Advanced Excel Training
  • Accounting for non-accountant
  • Grammar & Business Writing Seminar
  • Intensive Economics Seminar

It was also late last year when GDFI has successfully launched new products like Medical Equipment Financing, Tricycle Loan, and finally, Salary Loan for locally employed individuals. It’s former branch focusing on micro and small businesses in select areas in Rizal, have been recently announced as a separate lending entity now officially known and registered as Global SME. To Samuel Carino, Global Dominion Financing Inc.’s Marketing Manager, it’s just a matter of time before the company unlocks more of its potential, combining tried and tested conventional lending approaches with modern and innovative strategies and technology required to get ahead of the ever-changing economic climate in the country and the Filipinos’ evolving needs and wants.

In line with business development, Global Dominion has tremendously expanded its network of partners and tie ups, from car dealerships to digital marketing affiliates, and to client referrers, making it multiply its gross application count resulting to increased net application value down to improved loans releases production bottomline. These new efforts revolutionized the way the brand and its products are being introduced to the market and has paved its way to the digital space, taking the competition to a brand new level. It also endeavours to continuously strengthen its relationships in order to reach more and more Filipino families to serve, support, and educate.

Beyond business development, there has also been an infusion of new blood in GDFI’s system, with new faces from new and old fields bringing in their expertise to the team. These new joiners are groomed to influence improvement in different operational aspects like information technology, relationships, advanced finance, quality assurance, career development, and customer experience. “We’re definitely growing in every direction, poised to be at the top of the ranks,” GDFI Assistant General Manager Jeric Cornejo said. “This year, substantially more than last year, is going to be another breakthrough,” JLC added.

Keep tab of for updates and more financial information. For your loan and cash needs, apply now.