Global Dominion Spreads Love and Appreciation to its Partner Car Dealers

The Car Financing Division of Global Dominion firmly believes that success in the automotive financing industry is not solely based on numbers but on recognizing the people behind each transaction as well. They understand that every individual involved in the process has unique needs, aspirations, and relationships that deserve acknowledgement. 

To celebrate the occasion of Valentine’s Day, the division organized a memorable celebration to express their gratitude towards their partner dealers. The team went above and beyond to make the day special by distributing beautifully arranged token-of-appreciation flowers to their partner dealers. This gesture, while simple, spoke volumes about the division’s commitment to fostering positive relationships and recognizing the value of collaboration. The floral tokens were not merely symbolic but a tangible expression of the heartfelt connections Global Dominion seeks to build within the automotive industry. The genuine smiles on the faces of partner dealer members reflected the success of this thoughtful gesture. The division’s emphasis on understanding the unique needs of each dealership and tailoring financing options accordingly has undoubtedly contributed to the success of these partnerships.

“We have been thinking of doing something special for them on a day they probably least expect getting a surprise from a business partner,” Global Dominion Car Financing General Manager Eugenie Mabbayad said. “I hope that we are able to touch their hearts and express how much we really care about them beyond our business transactions,” Mabbayad added.

“Special thanks too to GDFI for always remembering,” Rochelle Cuarto (Global Dominion partner) shared on her Facebook account.

Global Dominion provides a variety of services including car and truck refinancing (Sangla OR/CR), financing options for both new and pre-owned vehicles, doctor’s loans, and real estate loans tailored for SMEs, all aimed at empowering families to fulfill their aspirations and dreams.