Global Dominion: To AI and Beyond!

Imagine a vehicle mortgage loan and vehicle financing company that approves applications within minutes!
That’s exactly how the near future looks like for Global Dominion.
“To be aided by artificial intelligence when it comes to scaling our credit evaluation operations is timely and much needed considering our growth in many areas in the country,” said Global Dominion Credit Head Rodrigo Matinong Jr. The company has added 32 branches this year and it aims to open more by the first quarter of next year.
Global Dominion’s Information Technology Group (GDFI-ITG) has envisioned a shared service to enhance IT governance, operations, and support across companies within its group. GDFI-ITG works closely with the financing company’s business units to leverage existing and upcoming technology to bring costs down, consequently helping to drive interest rates down for financial consumers in the future.
“Centralizing back-office operations has led to cost reduction, improved service quality, better control, and more effective management of our assets,” said Global Dominion Chief Information Officer Eric Salazar. Their initiatives have eliminated redundancy in IT resources, budget allocation, hiring processes, and enforced the adoption of best practices. “This is not even the peak for us, it is just the beginning!” Salazar added.
The company has been aggressively exploring and studying technology services that maximize the use of artificial intelligence (AI), and it has so far screened no less than ten vendors, including one in the field of explainable AI.
Alongside the transition to a cloud-based setup, and aside from AI, the growing demand for automation has spurred the inclusion of new projects such as machine learning and mobile-enabled self-service capabilities in its strategic roadmap going forward.
Global Dominion has been in the business of vehicle mortgage loans and vehicle financing since 2003. Its purpose is to ignite and accelerate the growth of people and organizations to transform lives for the better.