Go Green, Go Global

In the news early this year, Nestle, the world’s largest packaged food company, announced its mission to reduce plastic waste, by dropping plastic straws from their products, and by increasing focus on creating biodegradable water bottles.
More and more groups across the globe have been advocating for alternatives to single-use plastic. Nestle says that their initiative is part of a bigger campaign to make all of their packaging reusable or recyclable by 2025. Nestle Waters, the bottled water unit of the Nestle brand, is also aiming to increase the content of polyethylene terephthalate, or recycled PET, in its bottles. By 2025, they have a goal of increasing the recycled PET content to 35 percent globally, and 50 percent in the United States. Source: inhabitat.com
Last year, a parallel effort was made by the Filipino company, San Miguel Corp. In September they announced discontinuing of its bottled water business as part of its move to a more environmentally sustainable business model. They have shared that the Purewater, a bottled water brand, is shifting to filtration technology which can be deployed in disaster-hit areas. It definitely is not just an environmental move, but a socially impacting one as well. Source: abs-cbn news
These efforts that put mother Earth on top prio aren’t new and have been practiced and observed for several years, if not decades, now. In 2016, virgin.com listed ten global companies which are environmentally friendly. See below.
2. Unilever
3. Panasonic
4. Allergan
5. Seventh Generation
6. Patagonia
7. IBM
8. New Belgium Brewing
9. Adobe
10. Nike
In an article published by news.nike.com, the company shared with the public that 75% of all Nike products contains recycled materials, which is not only economic, but is certainly environmental as well. They even showed confidence in announcing that in the their industry, no one uses more recycled polyester than them. In fact, Air, an extremely popular Nike unit, is one of their most sustainable innovations. Nike introduced the Air unit in 1979. Today, the technology consists of pressurized air (nitrogen) inside a tough, yet flexible bag (called a Nike Air sole unit) that sits in the midsole beneath the heel, forefoot or both to provide the sensation of walking or running on air. The limits of this technology are now being pushed by more sustainable materials, computational design, and advanced manufacturing tools. The goals: make it lighter and stronger and minimize Nike’s impact by using more recycled materials. Source: news.nike.com
The Philippines, as a tropical country and as one of those near the equatorial line, would definitely benefit from all the green efforts from individuals, groups, and institutions around the world. There is no better time than “now” to be in the loop in making sure that our environment survives the adversities brought about by technological advancement and breakthroughs for the benefit of our future generations. As you may notice, there have been increased pressure on clean up campaigns and global warming prevention efforts now more than ever – which is totally needful.
Many companies and organizations, just like Global Dominion, have initiated efforts to become paperless in their transactions, and produce products which are more sustainable, while upholding the virtue of recycling, reusing, and reducing waste. A happy environment definitely results to a happy economy, and a happy economy hauls happy individuals – happy Filipinos.
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