How to Practice Awareness While Driving

Driving awareness is an essential important factor in driving defensively. That means obeying traffic rules and regulations, keeping your focus, becoming alert to situations on the road, and following the tips we’ve listed below.

Know and Comply with Traffic Rules and Regulations

Because, let’s face it, ignorance of the law is not an excuse. This doesn’t need any further explanation, but if you still need any bits of advice try this: familiarize yourself with the traffic laws of the Philippines.


Driving entails full concentration to ensure safety. You must also be aware of the existence of distractions that must be avoided. Get off the road if distractions exist and let the symptoms subside first before you resume driving.

Kinds of Distractions

Common distractions are using of cell phones while driving, being under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol, eating, drinking, smoking, chatting, changing radio stations, and many more.

These involve problems with vision, hearing, health, and emotions which can affect concentration. They may diminish your ability to focus with feelings of drowsiness or fatigue. Seek medical attention first to improve your condition.

Use Your Alert Reflexes

There is no room for error in safe driving. So do your best to stay awake and alert while you’re on the road.

Keys to Effective Defensive Driving

Avoid doing other things which are not related to the task of driving. As people, we tend to easily get distracted. If you need to do something else other than driving, stop! Pull of the road and park at a safe place.

2.Driving Plans and Decisions
Driving plans must be made based on the correct assessment of the changing scene ahead, the sides, and to the rear of your new or pre-owned car. Meanwhile, plans and decisions are a combination of what can be seen, what cannot be seen, circumstances that are expected to arise, and allowances for the mistakes other motorists might make.

3.Clear View from the Vehicle
You must aim to have the best possible view of the area around your new or used car. Windows and windshields must be clean, washers and wipers must be functioning, and mirrors must be spotless and properly adjusted before the start of your journey.

4.Managing Speed
You must also adjust the speed of your vehicle according to the speed trail that the length and depth your vision can handle. Peripheral vision decreases as speed increases. Plus, road and traffic condition evaluation will govern speed.

5.Managing Fatigue
You must always be very careful when experiencing fatigue. Some of its most common symptoms include eye strain, slower reflexes, and late and inaccurate assessment of your surroundings.

Drive Safely

Being a responsible driver means knowing how to drive safely. By staying aware and alert while behind the steering wheel, you’ll be able to do that and more.