5 Reasons to Replace Your Car

Do you often catch yourself saying that you’ve had enough of your car? Perhaps the time has come for you to leave your old car and purchase a new one. There are many options to buy a new car, and car financing companies are always available to help you out.

However, you have to be sure that changing your beloved car is a wise move. Check these reasons to replace your car.

1. Expensive repair and maintenance cost

As cars get older, it begins to show signs of wearing out. Several times did the car hassle your travel or schedule, and so many times had you gone to a repair shop for the experts to check out the problems. It became more of a liability than a useful form of personal transportation.

Worse, these car damages or readjustments become too often that you need to spend so much for its repair. An accumulation of these expenses can go beyond your car’s worth. If you think you’re wasting money via frequent visits to repair shops or car parts replacement, it’s best to let the old car away.

2. Too many potential repairs in the future

More than the personal observation about your car’s performance, it’s recommended to go to a repair shop and have the car assessed. The signs that you see may have been caused by underlying problems, which make up the unsatisfactory performance of the car.

Some of the usual problems that appear after few years due to normal wear and tear are:

  • Clogged transmission filters
  • Excessive emission
  • Malfunctioning sensors
  • Fuel leaks
  • Shaky steering wheel
  • Sputtering engine
  • Starter motor failure
  • Too much consumption of oil
  • Windscreen cracks
  • Worn-out brake pads

If the mechanic warns you that these damages will most likely show in the near future, reconsider if you are willing to pay for the repairs. Or will buying a new car be more freeing from expenses and efficient for you?

3. Fuel inefficiency

Once a car gets old and reaches past its prime, it always shows the problem of the consumption of oil. The older the car, the less efficient it will be on the use of fuel. Older cars, especially if they’re not the latest models, have no advanced engines as they’re engineered with less modern features. The fuel inefficiency aggravates as you continue to use the car, requiring expensive and constant repairs.

4. Safety issues

It’s consequential that when the car performance begins to deteriorate, it already more risks during travel. If your car has aged for too long, especially those that belong to more ancient models, its safety features will fail. Unless it’s a more modern car that is equipped with high technology systems and parts, you are comforted that the safety level remains at par.

When you feel the inadequacy of safety in your beloved but aged car, it’s for the best to replace your car. Remember that not only you as the driver is placed on potential dangers but also your family or circle of passengers. Money is dispensable, but life is not.

5. Lifestyle changes

Another reason is the change in your lifestyle. You may be a guy who will get married and needed a bigger car for your family-to-be. Or you are a woman who decided to live in another place and wants a smaller car. It depends on what you like to prioritize, whether bigger space for baggage or more durability for rough courses, all of which can’t be provided by your present car.

Tips in replacing your car

Here are some rules of thumb to remember before you make that decision to get away with your car:

1. Find out how much your car’s worth is

Once you already know the repairs your car has to undergo, take the initiative to have your car checked for its valuation. Before you agree, place your vehicle on repair, and pay for the service, compare the current price of your car to the total fee of the repair. If the repair cost is half of your car’s current worth, better replace your car.

2. Compare the costs of repair and potential new car

By canvassing and research, you’ll know the next best car for you to purchase. You certainly know the price of that car, and you should compare that to your repair bills. If the outlay of the annual repairs is more than 10% of the monthly payment of the new car for 36 to 60 months, changing the old car proves to be wise.

3. Include insurance costs for calculation

Compare the insurance costs of both the old car and the new car you are eyeing to buy. This can either make or break you into replacing your car. Remember that the higher end your car is, the higher the insurance premium.

4. Check for rebates, discounts, and incentives

Learning about rebates, discounts, and incentives is a huge factor in reducing your monthly payment for a new car. But if you think they’re not enough for you to convince in giving in to car replacement, then you can keep your car.