Ready for a Four-day Work Week?


Bill 1571, what is it exactly?

The Philippine Senate has approved the Bill 1571 or the Alternative Working Arrangement Act seeking to provide employees with flexitime (17 affirmative votes and no negative votes). Per this bill, employers and employees can mutually agree on adoption of flexible work arrangements, including a four-day work week, which shall not exceed 48 hours a week, and without reduction of any existing benefits.

Senator Joel Villanueva calls this the “answer to the changes in the labor market and in the nature of employment.”

“As I always say, we are now in the age of robotics, the so-called Fourth Industrial Revolution or Industry 4.0. Today, work need not be confined in a certain place or office. Work need not happen at the same time. Work can be done remotely,” said Senator Villanueva, Chairman of the Senate Committee on Labor, Employment and Human Resources Development.

Flexitime and Four Day work week arrangements

As you know, there are a few companies which have already been implementing flexible working schedules and arrangements in the past few years, especially those in the Business Process Outsourcing industry. With the passing of the bill, many more will certainly follow given the foreseeable benefits of the scheme, which would positively impact metro road traffic, workforce independence and retention, employers’ expenses, and urban congestion.

This would also help a lot of Filipino save costs on transportation, which will then provide more capacity for us to spend on more valuable things for ourselves and our families. Consequently, all of these will lead to the betterment of our economy.

If the employer and employee agrees on a four day work week, then workers would be required to work at least twelve (12) hours per day or forty-eight (48) hours a week.

Your turn, how do you feel about this news?

How do you think this bill can help you or your family? Would you consider clocking additional two hours daily to enjoy three days of rest? Share your thoughts on the comments section below.

If you need additional funds for a weekend getaway or for whatever financial reasons, you may apply by clicking here.
