Useful Driving Tips For Women

Although everyone needs to stay alert and focused while on the road, women need to be extra cautious when behind the steering wheel since they tend to become victims of crimes while driving more than men do. Not that we’re telling you to become paranoid or overly fearful, but it’s always best to keep your eye out for any trouble. That way, you’ll be able to react accordingly in case of any unpleasant events. Below are tips you can try to stay safe on the road.
Plan Your Trip
Even before you take the driver’s seat, you need to make sure you know the best route to your destination. Avoid streets with little to no lights if you’re driving during nighttime, especially those roads you’re unfamiliar with. And you should also let someone know where you’re going before hand; that way, in case something does happen, they’ll be able to help out.
Don’t Stop for Anyone
Not everyone you see on the road is trustworthy. So whenever someone you don’t know (be they hitchhikers, pedestrians, or other vehicles) calls your attention and asks you to pull over, DON’T. And in case they’re asking for help, instead of going out to attend to their needs, better call the proper authorities, report the incident, and let them take it from there.
Keep Your Car Windows Closed
There are moments when it feels good to roll down your car windows to enjoy a cool breeze. But for lady-driven cars, this is not such a good idea. Women driving with windows open are more prone to getting cat-called or sexually harassed. Plus, even if the wind outside the vehicle is cool, the road is still teeming with pollutants that could leave you haggard or ill at the end of your journey. So as much as possible, try keeping your car windows closed while driving.
Keep Your Car Well-Maintained
A well-maintained car and a female driver make a terrific combination. Nobody likes their rides breaking down on them while on the road, especially if you’re just beginning to enjoy your cruise. So as much as possible, better check your ride regularly to see if there are parts that needed fixing or replacement.
Hide Your Valuables
Small-time criminals usually target cars to get what’s inside it. Don’t give them that chance! Instead of keeping your possessions inside your vehicle, better take them with you as much as you can. But in case you have to leave them in the car, place them where people won’t be able to see them (preferably your car trunk).
Not Just for Ladies
These tips are guaranteed to help ladies stay safe while driving. However, men will also find these bits of advice extremely useful whenever they’re the ones behind the wheel. So everyone would do well to heed these tips.
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