Work-From-Home Hacks to Follow While Waiting Out COVID-19

With the COVID-19 threat looming in the Philippines, President Duterte placed Luzon under enhanced community quarantine from March 17 to April 13, 2020. Pinoys were asked to stay at home, while outside activities were reduced to getting basic needs (e.g., food, cash, etc).

Implemented at such a short notice, the quarantine has left countless Pinoys worried about their jobs. Thankfully, many companies have allowed their employees to work from the comforts of their homes. Below is a list of tips that will help you make the most of your time at your home-turned-workplace.

Set Up Your Workspace

Pick an area in your home where you can work in peace and have it cordoned off. Place your desk there and set up the equipment you need. Depending on your job, you’ll probably need the following:

  • A working laptop or desktop (the specs would depend on your needs and preferences).
  • Good internet connection (at least 5 Mbps).
  • Your mobile phone (in case your boss, teammate, or clients need to talk).
  • A comfortable chair.
  • A to-do list (to make sure you get things done during your work days).
  • A clock (so you can keep track of the time).


No need to worry in case you lack one or two of these things. You can always get a personal loan and use the funds to get them.

Replicate Your Usual Routine

Do your best to Xerox your work routine in your make-shift office. Are your office hours from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm? Then tackle your tasks during that period, too! By reproducing your usual work routine, you’ll be able to keep track of your tasks even if you’re working in a different environment. Doing so would also help you maintain your typical work habits, minimizing the need to relearn them once the coronavirus outbreak dissipates.

Minimize Distractions

You’ll probably encounter a few small distractions while working from home. If you’re a working parent, you’ll also need to check up on your kids. And as if that’s not enough, you also need to keep yourself updated on the latest news about the COVID-19 outbreak.

Maintaining focus is one of the major challenges you’ll face while working from home. To keep yours razor sharp, try to minimize the distractions that might come your way. This means cleaning the house before work, making sure your kids have everything they need, and scheduling your time to watch the news.

Keep in Touch With Your Teammates

If you’re part of a team, then maintaining contact is a must. Don’t let working remotely take away your social life at the office. Check up on your colleagues every once in a while. True, the quarantine won’t let you get together in person. But with techs like Skype, Slack, and Facebook Workchat, you’ll be able to stay connected with them. Doing so would not only increase your productivity, but it would also provide you and your teammates with much-needed comfort and levity.

Take a Break

Lastly, don’t overwork. Yes, earning a living is very important. But you shouldn’t overexert yourself, especially in times like this. You need to stay healthy while you wait for COVID-19 to disappear, and overworking would not help you do that. Plus, it could actually decrease your productivity! So give yourself a break every now and then.

Have a Nice Day At Work (From Home)

To minimize the impact of COVID-19 in our country, we all need to do our part. That means obeying the rules imposed during the quarantine and staying healthy. So better stay indoors for the time being, and do your job at home while you wait things out.