The Unstoppable At The Supercollider

The GDFI Team attended Launchgarage’s Supercollider event last July 31, 2018, in line with its goal to support start up companies through business synergy, and partnerships.
Launchgarage is a tech innovation hub in Manila that provides a venue for open collaboration, knowledge sharing, events, and business acceleration.
“We are expecting incessant growth with continuous improvement, talent development, process innovation, and multi-channel expansion,” said Patricia Poco-Palacios
Global Dominion has recently reached another milestone beating their outstanding business performance last June. “We are expecting incessant growth with continuous improvement, talent development, process innovation, and multi-channel expansion,” said Patricia Poco-Palacios, Global Dominion Financing Inc. General Manager. “The support and energy of our business partners and network will certainly help keep us charged through our journey as Filipinos financing company of choice across the globe,” Palacios added.