One For Marino, One For GlobalPinoys

Global Dominion Financing Incorporated recently partnered with IEF Inc., among other campaign sponsors, to launch a program that aims to empower Global Pinoy Seafarers in making wise investment decisions – #OneForMarino.
IEF, INC. Ignite-Empower-Flourish, is a training and consulting company that focuses on accounting and business related programs. They facilitate unique, customized, consultative, and global training approaches which educate Global Pinoys to be able to create more responsible decisions before engaging into investments. They gather experts, real life coaches and consultants to conduct learning sessions.
The experts share their knowledge and experience towards an end goal of an inspired and strengthened mindset for better business
In line with Global Dominion’s campaign to recognize and be of service to GlobalPinoys around the world, IEF Inc.’s #OneForMarino campaign is set to collaborate with multiple organizations and sectors to create one strength for social good.
The campaign runs from August 2018 to May 2019, with the intention to take advantage of various media platforms to reach out to seafarers to make them aware of the dangers and risks of business gambling and educate them of the basic measures to mitigate it.