Things Every OFW Must Include in Their Budget

For our kababayans abroad, the number one financial priority is to send their hard-earned bucks to loved ones at home. However, that doesn’t mean global Pinoys shouldn’t have a budget plan for themselves during their sojourn outside the country. In fact, the more organized their own budget, the higher the remittances they can send home. So to help you make your own budget while abroad, here are a few things you need to include in your plans.


You need to set aside around 25% of your personal budget to your housing abroad. In most cases, this could cover both the rent and the utilities.


While you need to be thrifty when it comes to what you eat and drink while working overseas, you shouldn’t stint yourself either (Otherwise, you could end up getting ill and unhealthy). So best allot about 15% of your total personal expenditures for your food and drinks.


Next you need to think about the money you’ll need to get to and from work. For best results, you need to set aside up to 10% of your personal budget for transportation purposes.


As mentioned above, most lodgings available for OFWs have the utilities covered in the rent. But just in case it’s not, you had better allot around 10% of your personal cash to pay for your water, electricity, and other utilities.


No matter how healthy or careful you are, you can’t predict the future. Having insurance can help your loved ones greatly should anything unexpected happen to you while you’re working abroad. So better set aside another 10% of your personal budget to get the best premium life insurance available.

Savings and Investments

Of course, aside from providing for your family’s basic needs, you also need to think about their financial future. By saving and investing up to 20% of your personal money, you’ll be able to build a good financial nest for your loved ones to live on long after you have retired.

Fun and Pleasure

Last but definitely not least, allot the remaining 10% of your personal budget for your own pleasure. It’s good to enjoy the fruits of your labors every once in a while, after all. Just keep it wholesome, okay?

But Before You Proceed

Take note that you need to set aside the remittance you’ll send home first before planning your personal budget. In other words, you’ll make plans based on what’s left after sending money to your loved ones in the Philippines.